Professional Development

The Rockport Public School District values systematic, purposeful, and structured learning experiences that improve teacher practice and student outcomes. We encourage educators to continually acquire and apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities to address student needs and district, school, and individual goals.
The Rockport Public School District is committed to supporting our educators in their efforts to participate in continuous professional learning. The District Professional Development Plan is intended to benefit teachers’ individual development as well as school and district-wide improvement efforts by connecting meaningful differentiated professional development with school and District improvement goals.
The RPS Professional Development Committee works collaboratively and in conjunction with classroom teachers and district leaders to support the structure of and offerings within our PD model. The PDC’s purpose is to:
- continually develop, review, and revise the Rockport School District's Professional Development Manual.
- review and make recommendations with respect to the Rockport School District's Professional Development Plan. Said recommendations will be presented to the Superintendent for their review and approval.
- oversee the implementation of any PDC recommendations that are approved by the Superintendent.
- provide feedback and suggestions for the professional development being offered, work to ensure that all schools are being provided with equitable and valuable professional development opportunities, and to encourage professional staff to develop and provide professional development to their peers.
RPS Mentoring
Teacher Licensure