Enrollment » Enrollment Instructions

Enrollment Instructions

Hello and Welcome to the Rockport Public Schools!
If you are looking for school choice please see the School Choice page to the right.
Follow the steps below to begin enrolling your K-12 child in the Rockport Public Schools.
For Integrated Pre-K information, please call Cheryl Keating, 978-546-1210 for information.
A video of these instructions can be found here.
PLEASE NOTE: This process works best on a laptop, desktop or tablet. We have found that it is difficult to complete on a Mobile device such as a phone. 
Step 1. Navigate to RPK12.org
Step 2. Click the Aspen button on the main page
Step 3. You will be taken to Aspen. If you already have students in the district and have an Aspen account you can log in and skip to step 8. If you are brand new to the district or just don't have an account yet click the "Request an Account" button just below the Login ID field
Step 4. You will be prompted with two options. "I am a parent/guardian registering my child online" or "I am a parent new to Aspen" The first option is if you are brand new to the district and you are enrolling a student. The second option is for if you already have students in the district and just need to setup your account for the first time. Choose the appropriate option for you. 
Step 5. Fill in form with your information and click next
Step 6. Fill in your email, password, and security question and click create my account. 
Step 7. You will receive an email with your account information and a welcome message. 
Step 8. Log into Aspen by typing in the credentials you chose in the previous steps.
Step 9. Once you are logged in you will see a page with green sections. In the right Column second box down there will be a "start new Online Registration" box with an initiate button. Click the Initiate button. 
Step 10. Follow the form by filling out each page worth of information. Be sure to upload the required documents at the end of the process. 
Step 11. Once submitted it will be reviewed by the main office of the school you are enrolling in. Once accepted you will receive an email giving you more information. 