Health Services » Health Form Due Dates

Health Form Due Dates

Current immunizations are required BEFORE your child starts school for those students who are new to RPS, or entering grades 4, 7 and 10.
Please see the immunization and Physical exam requirements listed below.
There is a 2-page, student Authorization to treat form required annually for each student. That form can be downloaded from the "Health Service Forms" section of this web-site.
Helpful Information
Below is a list of necessary documentation for students attending Rockport Public Schools. We do appreciate your assistance in getting required immunizations to the school nurse before September 1st. For your convenience you may mail it or drop it off in the school office in an envelope clearly marked “School Nurse”, or return it in this First Day Packet.
Massachusetts General Law, Section 105, CMR 200.00 requires some slight changes in the required documentation of physical exams that parents/guardians need to provide to public schools for each student.
We truly appreciate your cooperation in helping us care for your child while meeting Massachusetts Public Health Law. We hope that by giving you this information now, you will be able to obtain the necessary paperwork or schedule doctors appointments as soon as possible so that the required physical exam is in the school before September 30th.
Medication at School
If medication is required while at school, please visit our website or stop by the office for the necessary forms. All medication brought to school, including; over the counter medication and self-carry inhalers or epi-pens requires a Medication Authorization form, even if your child is older and independent with the medication.
Transition Back to School
If your child may need assistance with the transition back to school, or has a health concern you wish to share with your school nurse before school begins in the Fall, please call the main office of the school and leave a message with the school secretary. Please remember to keep the school nurse informed of any health changes throughout the school year. We look forward to helping you meet the needs of your child so they may achieve optimal health for attendance at school and academic success.
Shoes and Backpack for School?
Please keep in mind that young students remain active throughout the school day. Proper foot wear is important for running, climbing and outdoor play daily and in all types of weather.
Backpacks should have 2 padded shoulder straps and a waist clip, especially if your student will be walking to and from school. Older students usually carry several heavy books, binders and personal belongings daily.
Pre-K, Kindergarten and New Students:
Current Immunizations-must be current and complete before entry
  • Current Physical exam-within the past year or within 30 days of entry; (EX: September 1, -September 30,)
  • Vision screening results with stereopsis and lead level from MD. 
  • Written documentation of allergies or food sensitivities and existing medical conditions when appropriate.
  • Dental certificate-or letter from dentist stating that your child is receiving dental care
  • Rockport Public Schools-2 page Authorization to Treat Form with health history and parent signatures
Grade 3:
  • Please provide the School Nurse with your child’s physical exam conducted during this school year as soon as possible- it is required to enter 4th grade.
Grade 4:
  • Please provide the School Nurse with the most current complete physical exam conducted within the past year or within 30 days of entry to 4th grade. (EX: September 1 - September 30)
Grade 6:
  • Please provide the School Nurse with your child’s physical exam conducted during this school year as soon as possible- it is required to enter 7th grade.
Grade 7:
  • Please provide the School Nurse with the most current physical exam conducted within the past year or within 30 days of entry to 7th grade. (EX: September 1 - September 30)
  • Immunizations-must be current and complete to attend, due September 30th.
Grade 9:
  • Please provide the School Nurse with your child’s physical exam conducted during this school year as soon as possible- it is required to enter 10th grade.
Grade 10:
  • Please provide the school Nurse with the most current physical exam conducted within the past year or within 30 days of entry to 10th grade. (EX: September 1 - September 30)
  • Immunizations-must be current and complete to attend, due September 30th.
Grade 11:
  • Please provide the school Nurse with the most current physical exam conducted within the past year.
  • Immunizations-must be current and complete to attend
Grade 12:
Your student will be given the School Health Record upon Graduation to ease the acquisition of required documents and immunizations for college applications. Many colleges require a current physical exam performed within one year prior to entry.
  • All immunizations for new students are past due on the first day of school. Please make every effort to get immunizations to the school nurse before September 30th.
  • All physical exams for new students and students attending grades K, 4, 7 & 10 are due in the school office before September 30th at 2:00pm.